Wednesday, September 24, 2008


Is it September already? Really? That's amazing how fast the time goes, hmmm, and also what is going on in my life. I let you guess what happend almost 4 weeks ago.
Later I will take a little more time to tell you what's going on and give you some nice pictures too, ok?
Thanks for looking by.

See you soon. Markus


Craig and Heather said...

I have been waiting for your blog to spring back to life! Pictures are always welcome :)

Hopefully, Donzel is feeling better.


Michelle Shook said...

Okay...I've been checking, um, EVERY day! :) *hint, hint*

Love you both!


Anonymous said...

We were too late in getting the online-invite but we're very excited for you both and I will probably "drop in" in Sagle! Love, Dave and Sandi Nicholson

Anonymous said...

Dear markus and Donzel, I love your website with the beautiful pictures. I couldn't be at your wedding, but I feel like I was there. I would love to visit you sometimes! All the best and love from Holland, peter

Anonymous said...

hei häi de Schlergge
Ooops, esch gar nömme September?!? ;)Vou krasses Blog, schad, dass alles of änglisch esch, de verstömmer nüd.. ;)
jo okei, hei. Mer hend etz de grad Regi-Weekend z Sorsi.
Mer gsed sech secher weder e mou.

hei bääi

Anonymous said...

Great to see some pictures of your wedding! Hope you had a great day.
How are you guys and what are you doing?
Could you send me your current address please so i can send you guys a letter?
With lots of love and gods blessings