Jjjjuuuddiiiiihhhhuuiiiiiiiiiiiiiii!!!!!! (this is Swiss German...)
I HAVE IT !!! On Monday the 28th I got a big letter. My passport improved with a K-1 visa. This is so great, I have to look at it again and again and still can hardly believe it.
No one can stop me now. I am authorized to get married, so you better watch out when I come! I know no mercy. Well there is hope for some girls, actually all except for one. "DONZEL B. WOOMERT" this is for whom my visa is for. When I come and find her there will be no escape for her. Without hesitation I will pour all my love over her I have saved in my lonesomeness. And I will never stop.
Donzel, I love you! See you SOON :-)))
Hi you guys,
the big day is over...
and I do hope that you had a great day!!!
So sad we couldn't come... but the US is just soooooo far away and we just married ourselves...
Hope we will be able to meet up with you sometime.
We wish you Gods blessings and his guidance, love and strength for the adventure marriage.
be blessed
Debby & Basti
was förne Liebeserklärig! ech werd grad nidisch...
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