So, I haven't been feeling well lately; a sore throat, headache and sniffy nose are the complaints. And I was complaining a bit. Partly because now we are packing up to leave Switzerland and I don't enjoy that at all....the packing OR the leaving.
Emmi and Franz have been wonderful to both Markus and I the past couple months. There probably isn't much I can think of that they haven't done for us. To leave them and know that there are likely years between now and the next visit is hard. Hard for them and for us. They love their son very much and they love me too. But, they know that we have a common Father and He loves us much more than we love each other. In the end, we give thanks for the past 5 months and praise Him for the time we have had.
There are a lot of unknowns for Markus and I ----- where we will live long term, what work Markus will be able to find, when we might have children, if God will call us to a mission field overseas, if we will go to a Bible school. We do have confidence in this:
...that he who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus. Philippians 1:6
Oh, about the headaches and fires? Markus and I went for a walk this afternoon and stopped at the neighbor's house because the whole family was standing outside looking at something. The "something" that they were watching was the house across the valley, which was on fire. We could see very dark smoke coming from the third story windows and then after a little while some flames from the second story window. The family lost their barn to a fire earlier this summer and I think it was quite hard for them to see another building burning, especially a home.
I was thinking about it later on, how this puts my little headache in perspective....Nothing compared to a burning home. From a distance the damage didn't look so terrible, but you know many things that were treasured are ruined; things that can't be replaced. I hope that if anything like that ever happens to me I'll remember where my real treasures are.
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