Jjjjuuuddiiiiihhhhuuiiiiiiiiiiiiiii!!!!!! (this is Swiss German...)
I HAVE IT !!! On Monday the 28th I got a big letter. My passport improved with a K-1 visa. This is so great, I have to look at it again and again and still can hardly believe it.
No one can stop me now. I am authorized to get married, so you better watch out when I come! I know no mercy. Well there is hope for some girls, actually all except for one. "DONZEL B. WOOMERT" this is for whom my visa is for. When I come and find her there will be no escape for her. Without hesitation I will pour all my love over her I have saved in my lonesomeness. And I will never stop.
Donzel, I love you! See you SOON :-)))